Friday, January 14, 2011

hanging out at the mall

I do agree what Bret said last night, "I like how we can just walk around and do nothing and still have an amazing time". Finally we got on same page yesterday. End of our time, suddenly he stopped and asked me, what we were, how I thought about us. So I told him, In dinner with Steve and Jenny, what be told Steven, We were not dating ,just seeing each other, that hurt my feelings and gave me the idea of how he thought about me, so I was very confused what he really wanted us to be, but then He told me he felt bad and regreted about what he told Steven, and he wanted us to be together..So I said YES! But there are some issues behind us which is going to be very complicated.. whoa. Today, as my birthday I won't think about other than us! happy birthday to me. Bret and I will celerbrate together!

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My dream is to be graphic designer. moved to U.S.A 2years ago from south korea. Still figure things out. I'm funny,kind,weird, depressed,crazy,openminded, sexual,aggresive. love antique,music,vintage clothes,hype,doodling.
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